July 30, 2003

Fax Your MP

When things work, they work well. Fax Your MP is a service that allows you, through a website, to fax your Member of Parliament. I've been keeping half an eye on what my MP has been voting for (and against), and was more than a little bit surprised to find him voting to support an Early Day Motion against the Guamtanemo Prisoners of war being held by the USA.

Thanks to the site, I could let my MP know I supported this view (our representatives tend to not answer emails in the UK) very quickly and with little fuss.

They also hold a lot of info on your MP, and links to his last speeches in the House of Commons. A very useful site, run by independent volunteers, and well worth bookmarking.

Posted by Ewan at July 30, 2003 08:45 AM | TrackBack
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