July 25, 2003

I've Been NTK'd!!!

Right so that's another tick in the box of Net Milestones. I've already racked up a byline on "The Register," and now I've been featured in NTK (Need To Know). Okay, no mention by name, but their follow up to their request for information on Smartphone IDE's (ie OPL) lead to this quote.

Most of you assumed we were asking in much the same tone as that spammer who wants spare parts for his Dimensional Warp Generator time-machine, but we had some replies. We'd hoped to scare off the Symbianites by unfairly disparaging their newly open-sourced OPL, but unfortunately we misspelt it as "OML", so they got a look in.

Thanks Danny. Now, what's a Symbianite?

Posted by Ewan at July 25, 2003 11:40 PM
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