July 17, 2003

SameGame Cleared To Land

SameGame Proto ScreenshotMind you, there's nothing wrong with a maddening puzzle game...

I'm on a train from Edinburgh back to London on Sunday, and as I pull out of Waverley I though to myself I want to play SameGame on my 7650. Now there are a tonne of versions of SameGame (including TileFall on the Psion Series 3 and 5's), and a few Java Midlet versions are kicking around. But they were all missing something.

So out comes the 9210 and the OPL Program editor and I start coding.

By the time I reach Doncaster the gameplay is there. Another hour or two this week and the frilly bits are in the code. There is a temporary splash screen that needs tidying up (presentation is everything) and a small bit of code (an Undo feature for the mortals in this world) to be added.

Other than that, expect a launch on Monday of SameGame. It will be a $10 (around £7 shareware), but the Demo version will not be time limited and will only be missing one feature, which is the "Undo Last Move," so it's as close as I can get to freeware, while still seeing how popular I can be when I ask for money.

I was going to go with something else for My First Shareware App, but seeing as I'm waiting on some Asynch code in the OPL runtime before Deflect will run, this will have to do!

Posted by Ewan at July 17, 2003 08:30 AM
I must just say before he goes... Ewan has another hit on his hands. I'm playing [a beta test version] and, well, its very nice! Posted by: Rafe on July 17, 2003 12:48 AM
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