July 13, 2003

Cutting Edge WAP

After a few headaches, I've reworked the WAP Site version of "Ewan's Musings." Have a look at http://ewan.symbiandiaries.com/index.wml to see the all new and improved WAP site.

So why have I spent time re-doing my WAP site? Because I'm a firm believer that anything available on an HTML browser should also be available on a WAP or XML browser as well. In other words, I want to be able to do as much as possible on my WAP enabled Series 60.

So the previous WAP site wasn't enough. It basically listed the top five stories, in full text, on one page. Passable, but not good enough for me. What now happens is you get the first paragraph or so of the top seven stories, and a link to take you out to a seperate page containing the full text of the article.

Now it's still really rough. You'll see there's no formatting of the individual entry text on the WAP page... I'm still working out how to do that. There's also a few things I want to add, such as displaying the comments and allowing WAP Users to add comments via the WAP Browsers.

Of course the ultimate aim is to work out how to blog via WAP and use my £4 a month unlimited GPRS WAP (at the moment I'm left with Azure via Data GPRS - nice, but not what I ultimatly want).

In any case, comments welcome, especially notes saying what Browser/Handset combo you're using to view the new WAP site!

Posted by Ewan at July 13, 2003 09:45 PM
Added a bit more this morning. You can now see the number of comments on a post from the front page. When you go to read the full entry, all the comments are now listed under the entry. Posted by: Ewan on July 14, 2003 11:21 AM
It looks good on my Nokia 3650. I'm beginning to look at xhtml instead of wml though since most of the new handsets and pda's render it... and its so much easier to work with, and less limited. Posted by: LoneAggie on July 14, 2003 09:18 PM
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